Quick Commands

Common Commands Quick List Section‍

Cheat GCM
Cheat Ghost
Cheat Fly
Cheat Walk
Cheat Kill
Cheat Forcetame
Cheat LeaveMeAlone
Cheat Hurtme 1000
Cheat EnableSpectator
^^^Warning this will kill you and wipe your inventory
Cheat ClearMyBuffs
Cheat ClearCryoSickness
Cheat SetmyTargetSleeping 1
^^^Setting 1 is asleep, 0 is awake

Cheat GiveToMe
Cheat GiveAllStructure
^^^Look directly at structure, the whole structure will be claimed
Cheat Broadcast
SetAdminIcon False
^^^False is off, true is on
Cheat MakeTribeAdmin
Cheat MakeTribeFounder
SetTimeofDay 10:00:00
^^^Warn players first before you do this, it hurts the eyes

Cheat TPCoords 50 50 1
^^^ 1 is height, you can adjust this but be careful – too high and you’ll die and lose your inventory
Cheat TP Red
Cheat TP Green
Cheat TP Blue

Teleport TO a player: Examples, by spec id and by exact player name
Cheat TeleportToPlayer 790928633

Cheat TeleportToPlayerName Cupcake
Have the player teleport TO YOU replace PlayerName with exact player name
Cheat TeleportPlayerNameToMe PlayerName
‍Cheat TeeleportPlayerNameToMe Cupcake

Give XP to someone – Code here and Example Below — Swap out the Spec ID number and change the 1000 to be a higher amount if you need more XP:
Cheat GiveExpToPlayer (edited)
Cheat GiveExpToPlayer 319664069 1000 False True
Cheat addexperience 1000000 0 0
^^^Will add XP to the Dino you are riding

Rename a player – place ” ” around old player name. Player has to be online, and you don’t have to stand next to them. If renaming a “human” be sure there aren’t multiple humans connected… or you will rename them all

Cheat renameplayer “old name” new name
Rename tribe — may require ” ” around old name – untested

Change a dino’s color. Not all regions are active on a dino. Regions are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Color codes can be found here ⁠colors Change the code as needed. 0 is Region 0. 14 is Black.

Cheat setTargetDinoColor 0 14
Cheat setimprintedplayer “Intimidator” 833057798 | Cheat setimprintquality 1 (edited)
^^^Change player name in ” “, spec id number, and imprint quality. 1 is 100%, 1.5 is 150%, etc

To change a large amount of dinos imprint over to a new player – try this code. This will change dinos in your immediate area – will need old players spec id and new players spec id

Cheat TransferImprints 123456789 987654321 Bob

Quick Shut down the Server — Save first!!! Will not cause a rollback.
Cheat saveworld
Cheat doexit

Force join someone’s tribe. Be sure to LEAVE your current tribe first!
Cheat ForcePlayerToJoinTargetTribe 0